Master of Affluence
Constanze Böckmann: Herr des Überflusses
(Master of the Affluence)
Collage, 2021
(16.09. – 05.11.2021) Kunstgehaeuse Dresden
The artists Manja Barthel, Constanze Böckmann, Monika Grobel and Nina May go in an artistic exchange with the polish artists Anna Bujak, Karolina Freino und Karolina Szymanowska.
The prelude for this meeting and exchange is the exhibition in the Gallery Kunstgehaeuse Dresden in September 2021.
It ́s the start for the joint working from the far and in direct meeting face-to-face. This will lead to another exhibition of their work in 2022, hopefully during the German/Polish Cultural Days in Dresden.
After times of isolation and limited ways of communication the artists get into an intensive exchange about their work, in view of the topic „tight“.
The common associations to „tight“ are between two extremes. On one hand the feeling of tightness is given through rules, the feeling „to be in a tight corner“ or in the given tightness in a room.
On the other hand we associate positive feelings, for example the pleasant human closeness and warmth – hold me tight – and the emotional security – sleep tight.