LOJP goes Freital 2020 – Groupexhibition LOJP

Constanze Böckmann: Cowboy
Windowpicture, 2020
LOJP goes Freital 2020
July, 6th til 31st of August 2020 works of the artistgroup LOJP, Manja Barthel, Nina May and Constanze Böckmann was shown in Gallery Brücke22 in Freital, near Dresden.
This place is on a street full of empty shops. This little town Freital had something forgotten, something lost and sad to it.I wrote the Haiku Poem for this purpose. It was also a cut out windowpicture, close to the Cowboy.
Haiku für Freital, Fensterbild, Constanze Böckmann © Foto: C.Böckmann
Between the hills
we walk empty streets
the houses remain silent.
The Cowboy and the Wolf, are windowpictures, made of black carton and colored paper.
(Cowboy 160x80cm, Wolf 120x100cm)
Gallery Brücke22, Freital
Wolf, Fensterbild, Constanze Böckmann
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