Splinter and interpretation

Splinter and interpretation

Splitter und Deutung

Exhibition of LOJP in  Gallery Hinten in Chemnitz, 2016

Manja Barthel | Constanze Böckmann | Nina May | Constanze Nowak | Theresa Wenzel


Collage/Audio play/Lettering

For the Exhibition „Splitter und Deutung“ („Splinter and Construal“) the artists of LOJP were starting their personal work on a common topic for the first time.
The startingpoint was a found photography of a girl. It was found from a fellow artist, whose family couldn´t remember, where it was from and who it actually pictured, and who took the picture. The girl on the Photo wears a garb, smiling kind of shy, but somehow openminded, into the camera. (It seems to be a garb of the folk of the „Golaren”, but it is not sure. Maybe photographed in the late 70´s.)
We are only able to construe, who that girl was, and what her story might have been. Each of us tried to search for traces by themselves. Each one with their own way of artworking.

Mine led me to several photographs, found or taken by myself. It became a wall with pictures meeting in their similarity. The second part of my work was an audioplay, where I tried to reproduce the feelings of a girl, raised traditionally and then coming back in the mountains of her native, after being in the city for a couple of years, living modern life.
The third part was the lettering on the wall, saying: „DIE ZIMMER STEHEN VOLLER GEISTER“ (ROOMS FULL OF GHOSTS).


Constanze Böckmann: Das Foto des unbekannten Mädchens (The picture of the unknow girl), Audio, (7:12min)


Hier war ich
aus den Nebeln
und den Bergen

der Wind hatte mein Herz mitgenommen
es blieb in den Gipfeln zurück

(in der Stadt dann)
keine bunten Tänze
das Rauschen des Verkehrs

war ich in Geschwindigkeit getaucht
bei meiner Rückkehr fand ich kein Holz
Großmütterchen fort
die bunten Tücher verweht.


Constanze Böckmann: Die Zimmer stehen voller Geister - Schriftzug_2016_Chemnitz

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Constanze Böckmann: Die Zimmer stehen voller Geister - Schriftzug_2016_Chemnitz