A Place To Be – FiftyFifty Exhibition 2015

A Place To Be
Roominstallation in the Kabinett of the Gallery Ursula Walter
14.11. – 29.11.2015
Place To Be – Audioinstallation of Constanze Böckmann (7:12min)
A PLACE TO BE (Room/Soundinstallation, Lettering)
I placed four writings on the four walls of the small room, the Kabinett of the Gallery Ursula Walter:
Stay (Bleib)
Go out/leave (Geh)
Beware of trespassing (Betreten verboten)
Come in (Komm rein)
The sound of the audioplay PLACE TO BE could be heard clearly in the room. It is a sound collage inspired from daily newsreports and my own writings, spoken from three different voices. It is about the current situation of the refugees and the places, the search for places and safety. And about the people who share their hometowns with them (by the end of 2015).