RHYTHMS OF HESITATION – Testing Grounds, Revolving Stars Shaky Grounds (FAST Groupexhibition) – Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden 2014

Video, 4:04 min (loop) | Soundcollage | Collagebook | Writings
Exhibited in Testing Grounds, Revolving Stars Shaky Grounds in Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden 2014.
I made researchs on movement, silence and hesitation, as a part of the project FAST (Framing Art Science & Technology). The project was invented by the Fine Arts School (Hochschule der Künste Dresden), University of Applied Science (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft) and the University of Technology (Technische Universität Dresden) .
There are three pieces to the work RHYTHMS OF HESITATION.
The video was made in the interactive stage lab. The movement of the performers are directed by the sound of reading voices.
The read texts are the second part of the work: They are several short detailed reports of people walking and moving in everyday life.
The third part is the Book of Collages to the topic. It contains material to the researches and gathers pictures and texts and notes in form of collaging.