
On my artwork

I develope my artwork between the tension of concrete topics and out of my intuition. Material of research is interwoven with pictures and drawings. Sounds and videotakes are condensed, referring to one certain topic or picture. Often there is a kind of poesy which is within the things. Sometimes it cristallizes and comes out, by working that way.
On the other hand there are conceptional works, such as painted words or text, placed on walls or floors. Or graffiti-like window papercutout-pictures or performancevideos.

Voices are speaking up interfering in word-performances. There are at least three readers who read out loud different texts. This texts are based on certain newspaperarticles, lyrics or noveltexts and poetry to one topic. The sound of reading voices, one by one or all mixed togehter, makes the words clearer or cuts them down to be unrecognizable.

Starting from a find, a story, a daily news topic, an atmosphere, a move or just out of the pursuit with a topic, a place, its story, I develope my works. Like a puzzle it is growing steadily and becoming visible.
Drawings, painted words, collages, videos, photographs and lyrics stand for themeselves or become one picture together.
And I build environments with different materials like wax, objects, media. The material can speak out for the picture, which it is building.